Cleaning a Filter Sock


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I was told you could use bleach to clean a filter sock. Does anyone know the mixture recommended - bleach to water? How long do you allow the sock to sit in the bleach?
A reliable source said that i could use bleach to clean my filter sock, but I didnt catch what the mixer was.. I usually just rinse it out, I thought this might be a better way to clean it out... However, pls assist.
I read a lot of threads on RC about guys using bleach to clean their filter socks. So I gave it a shot. I've been doing it without problem. I clean mine in a small sink--use about a tablespoon or so of bleach and soak if for a few hours. Then rinse well with fresh water (I use Amquel in mine to help kill any clorine) and let dry.

Make sure that you can't smell any bleach before you use it!

I also read about guys who put 'em through the washing machine with bleach--but I'd be scared of residual soap getting in the sock.
Use bleach /water in a ratio of 1/7 (one part bleach to 7 parts water. Soak it for 24 hours, rinse well and then LET DRY. Bleach breaks down to salt and water, and is harmless once it dries. Having two filter socks would be best, that way you can run one in the sump, while cleaning the other.

Please note that you should ONLY use Plain Bleach, Not products like Tilex or Clorox Clean-up that contain bleach AND surfactants. Personally I wouldn't use scented bleaches, just plain old bleach in the blue/white bottle.
This is fine. You can also use them immediately if you soak them in a bucket of water and de-chloranator. I just run minethrough the washing machine on mini cycle/ hot water only, no detergents or bleack. About every 3 or 4 usues I do the bleach thing to make them pearly white again, The washing machine cleansthem(They flow well) but they don't look much better!!
I turn mine inside out and return any pods that might be in there to the DT.

I throw them in the washing machine and fill it with my waste water from my RODI unit. I then put about 5 good glugs of Clorox in there. (Yeah lots) After the wash is over I trun the socks right side out and run them thru the washing machine again in just water and nothing else. Take them out and let them dry.

I have about 9-10 socks so I wash when I get 6 or 7 dirty ones.

No problems with this method yet. All seems fine:)