Cleaning a Sump


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How does everyone clean debris out of the sump? My sump is getting a bit worse than I would like to see it, however I cant figure out a good way to clean it.

Its in the ground so gravity doesn't work and a power head seems to get stopped up.

I know some of you have sparkling clean sumps so how!
izib;38990 wrote: How does everyone clean debris out of the sump? My sump is getting a bit worse than I would like to see it, however I cant figure out a good way to clean it.

Its in the ground so gravity doesn't work and a power head seems to get stopped up.

I know some of you have sparkling clean sumps so how!

I've been wondering about this myself... i think eventually I'm going to use my Mag 9.5 return, stir up the sump during WC and then suck it all out into a bucket w/ the Mag. Shouldn't get clogged, and I can run the Mag in Vinegar/Water solution to clean it up.
Er... I did this recently when I accidentally left the skimmer on while the pumps were off, thus evacuating about a gallon or two of water into the bottom of my stand. For safety's sake and structural integrity of the stand, I decided to go ahead and remove the sump box to give the wood there a chance to dry a bit faster, and decided to go ahead and clean the sump while I was at it. This involved nothing so much as just removing the sump box and everything from the bottom of the tank stand and washing it out thoroughly. However, if your sump is much bigger than my little 8gal. job, then I can see where this could get really difficult, as getting mine out and into the bathroom was hard enough as it is.
My sump is a 75 gallon tank so I need another idea!!! Not to mention its sort of built in (I know thats not the brightest idea but...)
Maybe I need to remove the sump and clean it, then keep it regularly cleaned with a power head.
Or you could try one of these:"></a>

or one of these:

How about a python? They're siphons that hook up to the sink. They're not gravity fed.
I have one... Couldn't do water changes without it! The ball valve at one end makes starting the siphon a lot easier!
i clean mine out with an old fluval canister filter..... i just put some floss in it and vac. it. that way you can keep the water if you want to
Thanks for the help guys, Im off to Petsmart today. Also thanks for offering to let me borrow yours Chris and saltwater junky, I think its something I'll use often though.