Cleaning dusty LEDS?


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How is everyone maintaining their LED light fixtures? I have a black box LED and it is dusty. Are y’all taking the covers off to remove the dust? I tried vacuuming it up, no luck.
Moisture made the dust sticky on my Radions so I ordered long medical q-tips off amazon and it worked well
I can reach with regular size q-tips. I’m just afraid of knocking the dust off and having it fall further into the fixture
For a black box I would probably either use a can of compressed air like for a computer or if you have a friend with an air compressor use that I would not even take the cover off
I just bought two kessil a160we and I first used air in a can and a bunch of dust came out through the air slots. Then I used my game and used air compressor but most of the dust come out using the air in a can. Hope this helps.