Cleaning Trick


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I recently ran across a trick I thought I would share.

I was cleaning my UV filter which has a large 36" or so long glass tube that had typical calcium buildup. I tried twisting it off but it was stuck on too solid. I thought about tying vinegar or muriatic acid but the tube is so long, finding a suitable container would have been a pain. I just started scraping it off with my fingernail under running water. I had the water temp a little warm and wouldn't you know, as soon as the tube warmed up under the water, all the calcium just fell off!

Apparently, the slight expansion of the glass under warm water was enough to dislodge the calcium! Should work on heaters too.

I haven't read this anywhere in all my years to I thought I would share this with you!
Interesting. One thing I've learned since entering the water treatment biz is that quartz sleeves should be changed out periodically. Buildup such as what you described, even when cleaned, will eventually etch the sleeve and render the UV less effective.

Something to ponder :)

Thanks Jenn. I was worried about scratching it while cleaning it. Once the tube heated up, the CA literally fell off so no scraping involved this time.

This was the first cleaning (its only been online for 6 months) but I will keep in mind your periodic replacement advice!