Closed: "Green and Red" Photo Contest ($100 prize)


Contest Committee Lead
Contest Committee
Reaction score
Under the sea
Happy Holidays Everyone!

This contest is completely free and open for supporting members! If you're not an ARC supporting member consider joining, it's well worth it. Every month, ARC has free prizes, frag-swaps, cool guest speakers, and give-aways... plus many members will give you free coral frags just for joining.

Red RBTA dark.jpg

For this photo-contest, the subject is Christmas Colors! Green and Red are two of the most popular colors in the world of coral reefs, and occasionally we get to see these two colors in harmony. The commonality of these colors oftentimes gets them overlooked by experienced reefers. However, that shouldn't depreciate from their spectacle. Please submit your photos of any "Red AND Green" corals, anemonies, inverts, or fish.
*Also accepted, two species (one of each color) sharing the spotlight/focus. There will also be some flexibility to consider including teal, pink, orange, and other close colors.

The prize will be a $100 Gift Certificate to an LFS Sponsor of your choice! Whichever pic the contest committee likes the most will win. Please vote on photos too; share some love for the people who participate.


The contest will conclude one week prior to the Spring meeting.

Contest FAQs

Enjoy a few more awesome photos from previous years
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One of my fav I used to have! (yellowish green counts lol!)

*** well, I don't see the pic anymore? So adding "again"?!

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