Good morning everyone,
This contest is completely free and open for supporting members! If you're not an ARC supporting member consider joining, it's well worth it. ARC has frequent frag-swaps, free prizes, cool guest speakers, raffles, and generous free give-aways from existing members... plus many members will give you free coral frags just for joining.

For this photo-contest, the subject is Your Cheapest Coral! This hobby can be an expensive one, but doesn't have to be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For this contest, shoot the best photo of your #1 cheapest coral that you currently have. This is going to be different for every person, and could be a random zoanthid, some GSP, or perhaps one of the corals that you got for free at one of our famous ARC meetings!
Likewise, maybe you happen to have only acroporas, and this would be a cheap frag that you picked up long ago.
This contest is ultra-flexible on interpretation. Still, try to stick with the spirit of the contest. "Cheapest" could mean: 1) the cheapest money you originally paid, 2) the cheapest coral on a 'per frag' basis, or even 3) the cheapest of your existing frags/colonies. This will be a shorter contest than we've seen lately, and will end April 22nd at 11:59pm. The winner will be announced at the April 29th Frag Swap.
The prize will be a $50 Gift Certificate to Optimum Aquarium! Whichever pic the contest committee likes the most will win. Please vote on photos too; share some love for the people who participate.
Contest FAQs
Enjoy a few more awesome photos from previous years

This contest is completely free and open for supporting members! If you're not an ARC supporting member consider joining, it's well worth it. ARC has frequent frag-swaps, free prizes, cool guest speakers, raffles, and generous free give-aways from existing members... plus many members will give you free coral frags just for joining.

For this photo-contest, the subject is Your Cheapest Coral! This hobby can be an expensive one, but doesn't have to be. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For this contest, shoot the best photo of your #1 cheapest coral that you currently have. This is going to be different for every person, and could be a random zoanthid, some GSP, or perhaps one of the corals that you got for free at one of our famous ARC meetings!

This contest is ultra-flexible on interpretation. Still, try to stick with the spirit of the contest. "Cheapest" could mean: 1) the cheapest money you originally paid, 2) the cheapest coral on a 'per frag' basis, or even 3) the cheapest of your existing frags/colonies. This will be a shorter contest than we've seen lately, and will end April 22nd at 11:59pm. The winner will be announced at the April 29th Frag Swap.
The prize will be a $50 Gift Certificate to Optimum Aquarium! Whichever pic the contest committee likes the most will win. Please vote on photos too; share some love for the people who participate.
Contest FAQs
Enjoy a few more awesome photos from previous years

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