cloudy water


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I added 80 lbs of sand to my new reef set up 2 days ago... The water was cleared but as soon as I turned flow back on in the tank the water got cloudy again instantly. Can anyone tell me whether I need to turn the return back off or should I keep it going... I do not have the powerheads running at the present time.
keep it going, maybe aim the retuen up a bit. did you not rinse the sand?
No... I was told not to... This was supposed to be no rinse sand... but now the water in the sump as well as in the tank is cloudy all over again.
just keep it running, put a filter or filter sock in return if you can. Skim the water surface with a net or a cup occasionally, it'll be fine. You should have rinsed it. no big.
I have two in the tank already... Koralia 4's but I turned them off because I thought that they would only make it worse.
dawgdude;512352 wrote:"></a>[/QUOTE]

dawgdude;512352 wrote:"></a>[/QUOTE]


Filter Sox
Seachem Clarity
Magnum Canister Filter with Micron Cartridge

No Sand is "No-Rinse"
Here's another. Check out page 4.
Dakota9;512449 wrote:

No Sand is "No-Rinse"

Actually, Arag-Alive and similar, are no-rinse. However the tank is usually clear within an hour or so.

Dry sand must always be rinsed first.

As bacteria colonize on the sand, it will literally become heavier, and less apt to blow up into the water column.

Dakota's advice is good.

I actually rinsed my Agra-Alive Sand in old tank water before I put it in my tank, but had to since IO was adding sand to an existing set-up.
Thanks guys... It was better this am... I can actually see the rocks again... Its kinda hard when you are new to the hobby and everybody's giving different advice... The LFS was who told me to just dump it in and it was "no-rinse". But thanks again and the sites were very helpful.
Cool. Feel free to ask away whenever you are picking out your stocklist. We'd love to help
Ok... I have it already... I would like to have a smaller naso tang for my showfish along with 6 or 7 chromis, 1 hawaiian flame wrasse, 1 yellow watchman goby 1 pair clown fish and maybe some other type of wrasse. What do you think?? (maybe not as many chromis but would like for them to school)
It is a 90g... I know the naso will eventually outgrow this tank but I will just have to get rid of him/her at that time...
PISCES79;512663 wrote: Ok... I have it already... I would like to have a smaller naso tang for my showfish along with 6 or 7 chromis, 1 hawaiian flame wrasse, 1 yellow watchman goby 1 pair clown fish and maybe some other type of wrasse. What do you think?? (maybe not as many chromis but would like for them to school)
I would skip the naso and go with a smaller grazer like a dwarf angel
yeah I actually thought about one of those but I am scared of him eating my coral and inverts... I had never even thought about a naso. That particular fish was actually recommended by George in pure reef...