cloudyness? Please help me


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Well yesterday I decided to test my water after 4 weeks of neglagence. I found my pH at 7.8, Calcium at 280, and alk at 1.6, after adjusting, everything was fine, except that calcium wouldn't go pass 340-360 (I use reef complete which should be "balanced")

Today i wake up. Tank is cloudy. well i know it's because something is not balanced, and is percipating out of the water. How i fix it? I'm will do a water change in a few hours, but i just did a 15% one yesterday!!!

BTW, I've been mixing ALOT of different kind of calcium solution together trying to get calcium up, so maybe not enough Mg? I dosed over 1 ml of calcium per gallon (yet it stays at 340ish).
It sounds like you OD'd your calcium. Use a different testing kit or recheck your calcium results. If it is this, it shouldn't harm anything just wait it out.
<span style="color: black;">Could it be from OD of buffer(Alkalinity)? This can also cause calcium precipitation.</span>
<span style="color: black;">You got to take it slow and easy man. Nothing happen fast in the hobby except problems and disasters. You’re going to need to do some water changes to help clear the water. Doing water changes would also be an easy way of correcting you levels without worrying about over dosing.</span>
I agree with showtime- it sounds like the calcium is precipitating out. You have to be VERY cautious about jumping your alkalinity and calcium. Slow and steady wins the race.
well i guess the buff settled out, and it's less cloudy. my Mag test kit dried out, so i'm go get another one, and probably be in for another surprise when i do the test. I know the Magnesium is low because the calcium percipitate out at 340. pH, Alk is fine, and the cloudyness is OD on the buffer.
IF you added and dry product without mixing it first with RO (like I did recently) You have instant milk. I added the Seachem ph 8.3 buffer up to my sump, just dumped some in...MAN, it took like 2 full weeks for it to dissipate!

Not saying you did that, but if ya did?....
no i always drip it in after it is dissolved in RO/DI. And it didn't get cloudy till lights came on again day after.