clown fish behavior


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I have a 3-4 inch true perc in a 90gal. I have had this fish for about 3-4years. I just recently bought a 1 1/2-2 inch true perc to try my hand at breeding. I have only had the new perc for 3-4 days. I have noticed today that my 3-4 inch perc which hosts in my mushrooms been laying down in the mushrooms most of the time. When i come to the tank the perc comes to glass and swims around till i leave and then goes and lays down in the mushrooms again. The smaller perc stays close by. could they have aready have mated. Before i put the new perc in the tank the ony time the larger one layed in the mushrooms was at night. Any info would be great.
Doubful. This is partly a territory thing. She's claiming her area and the male is just going to smile and nod and say "yes dear". When they mate, its the male that takes care of the eggs and the female is fiercely territorial. Once things settle down in the tank you'll probably notice her take to the water column more, but they will still stick to wherever they call home very closely.
Fishfiend;147833 wrote: Doubful. This is partly a territory thing. She's claiming her area and the male is just going to smile and nod and say "yes dear". When they mate, its the male that takes care of the eggs and the female is fiercely territorial. Once things settle down in the tank you'll probably notice her take to the water column more, but they will still stick to wherever they call home very closely.

my male tomato never goes further than 6"s from the elephant ear mushroom its hosting in.

it really makes me glad to be a human being and not a tomato clown :thumbs:
Haha at least we have meals on wheels... "meals on current" has no ring to it at all.
how long till they could possibly mate. the male stays close to the female from what i have noticed. they both are hosting in my mushrooms or close by druing the day and sleeping in them at night. im in no rush for them to start mating just curious. what kind of signs will they start showing when its time."></a>

start here. i didn't know until they laid eggs. i read through a lot of the links and basically found out that they display mating behaviors routinely. in fact, they say that clownfish are the clocks of the sea because of how rhythmic their mating cycles are and if they're disturbed in any way (aquascaping, new flow, new lights, most anything), it may cause them to stop mating or change mating patterns.

good luck. rearing fry is a whole different story.
Mine just recently started spawning and I noticed no different behavioral patterns. My first batch of fry hatched just a few days ago... much to the delight of my other fish and corals.
i got the second clown from petland alpharetta mixed with a bunch of other clowns about 20-30 clowns. i thought when adding a second clown you should always add a smaller one and when introduced the lager one would turn female and the smaller male. how can you tell besides size if it is a male or female
they were only in the same tank for 24 hours. they had just got that shipment in. so they couldnt have sexed. so will i have a female and male pair eventually?
Barbara;148042 wrote: I have heard that it takes a good 3-4 years before clowns will start laying eggs, so you need to think back at how old your female is right now. Mine are over 3 years old and still haven't laid eggs, but are definately paired up and have been for years.

i've kept mine for 2 years and until very recently (6 months, 8 months), they weren't housed in the same tank.

it didn't take long for them to spawn (eggs hatched 2 weeks ago?), but one distinct male and one distinct female went into the tank.

perhaps it takes them longer if unsexed? i'm no clownfish expert...
Talk to Percula (Chris from Einstein Aquatics). Those are his favorite fish so I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out.
Very informative guys, thanks. I had no idea clowns morphed like that. very cool. I think there are types of people in China that do the same thing? :lol2:
barbra this shimmy that you speak of does it look like they r twitching or having some sort of seizure. if so my smaller one was doing this a couple of times last night. so does that mean it is becoming a male.