clown fish sick or hosting?


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just noticed him doing this last night grabbed my camera and got a HD video of him. iv have never seen him do this. my tank is only about 4 months old the fish i have had for about 2 months. its a 20g nano.
temp 79-80
no3,no2= 0
nh3= 0
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looks normal to me. He'll start to get black spots on his belly soon if he continues to host zoas. no cause for alarm
thanks i was thinking clowns didnt host zoas and he was kinda laying on them looking weird
That's weird...I've never seen a clown host zoas in that manner. I would investigate where the foam/bubles (microbubbles) are coming from. Are all the other fish doing fine?
the bubble are from a hob filter i modified to flow into my sump. its not working right but still flows to the sump.. the water a little lower then should be few inches. about to get an overflow box and take the hob filter off. the bubble are from the water splashing down into the water. are bubbles bad??
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all the other fish are doing fine. all i have in there is a small 6line wrass and a small cin clown also a small watchman goby, shrimp crabs snails ect.. this morning he was alive and acting normal still real close the the zoas. guess time will tell..