Clown has bloody eye


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I think today at some point my female clown got an injury to one of her eyes, it is bloody (cant see pupil). The other eye is fine, I think it is an injury due to the fact she was fine yesterday and now suddenly she has this as well as a small patch of missing scales on her same side (looks like a mouth mark - bite). I have an aggressive midnight pygmy angel that has already bullied one of my other fish in the past that I am pretty sure is the culprit. Is there anything I can do for her? she seemed to eat fine earlier and is remaining behaviorally normal. Maybe antibio? I have some about 6 month old Dr.G's Antibiotic food but I am refraining from using this as I can just stop by Pure Reef tommorow in the AM.

BTW the eye is not rediculously swollen, just looks like she has blood under the lid. Ignore the white stuff around her fins; its just my glass not being clean

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I had a similar injury to one of mine. I used a small air stone and it really helped. You may want to try it also.
I'd think if she still has her nem to chill she'll be fine. Clarks and maroons tend to get a bit aggressive and do harm w/o knowing
She seems to be chilling and taking it alright, if anyone else has any input id love to hear. Any medicine recommendations?