Clown pair fighting over anemone


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Anybody else had clownfish pair fight after adding an anemone? I added a sebae sunday and yesterday they finally went in and by the evening time they fight over it constantly. I’m sure they’ll figure it out soon enough though. Wondering if anybody else experienced this behavior?
Are they literally ripping fins off... Or just aggressively nipping at (and vibrating when close together)?

Im with @ichthyoid that they are most likely just courting.
Are they literally ripping fins off... Or just aggressively nipping at (and vibrating when close together)?

Im with @ichthyoid that they are most likely just courting.

This isn’t the nipping and shaking found with a new pair forming. They were an already bonded pair that acting fine and never left each other’s side
I didn’t notice any fin ripping, just aggressive chasing and nipping. Like constant. But who knows, maybe they are fine now. I’ll just have to see when I get home soon.
And the fighting only happens in the anemone, not outside. It’s like they each want it for themselves. It’s an 8” sebae
Well if youre not seeing fin ripping, i stand by this likely being courting behavior.
Well if youre not seeing fin ripping, i stand by this likely being courting behavior.

Got home and she has banished him to the corner. I’ve had a few different pairs before and never seen this type of aggression over an anemone. Maybe she is reestablishing dominance since the addition of the anemone
Update on the male. He was still banished to the corner of the tank and today he didn’t eat when fed, he ate yesterday evening though. Took him out of the tank and placed him in my other tank to see if he heals up and I’ll try again later. So weird, they were a legit pair from a breeder
Update on the male. He was still banished to the corner of the tank and today he didn’t eat when fed, he ate yesterday evening though. Took him out of the tank and placed him in my other tank to see if he heals up and I’ll try again later. So weird, they were a legit pair from a breeder
Good call! It doesnt hurt to give the fish a breather. Ive done that many times.

Also, "heal up"? Is he bleeding or missing fins? If so, that is definitely excessive aggression and its a good thing you separated them.
Good call! It doesnt hurt to give the fish a breather. Ive done that many times.

Also, "heal up"? Is he bleeding or missing fins? If so, that is definitely excessive aggression and its a good thing you separated them.
He’s got a few tears in his fins and he’s breathing alittle on the heavy side. He’s still upright and swimming and now I’m Just hoping he’ll eat when I feed again this evening. pair of onyx percs ain’t cheap.