Clown question


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I have a 30g but i have a pair of true perc clowns and want another pair. Could I have another true perc and Darwin pair with them in the tank?
Probably not. I had trouble puting two pairs in my old 90gallon. They will probably just fight till death.
If they are actually a mated pair then they will claim your whole tank when ready to breed. That would mean killing any other clowns in the tank.
No more clowns, sorry. Tanks that I've seen Witt multiple clown pairs either are lager anemone dominant tanks or pretty large tanks, 250g+
I disagree with everybody so far. I've had multiple pairs in as small as a 40g breeder with no issues. I think it depends greatly on the fish themselves and the relationship they have with each other. If they have only bonded but not bred, that just means they are pals and one doesn't necessarily care what the others do. IMO the Darwin will throw everything out of whack just because it's black and the other percs won't know that it's the same fish. If they would "fight to the death" then how can you justify when an LFS keeps 25 of the same in a tank for sale? Just my 2c worth.
i can be done.i keep 3 percs on my tank now female and male and a submale they get along great with no problems i do have 8 rbta in my tank so that might help.sometimes it works sometimes it dont.give it a try but be ready to take a pair out if they start fighting to much
Depends on age if they are young they will be fine if they are older then I would recommend not. You can put 4 clowns as juvis together and they will more than likely be fine forever as 4 will make a pecking order. Female, male, then the other two will stay juvis. I have a 100 clowns together but they are all 4-6 months old. I would not do so with adult clowns. JMO
heres a bad pic of my clowns together sorry best i can get right now.
here's a better pic of my clowns in my tank.dont mind the dead BR i did not make the tank swap