Clown species mixing


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I have had an ocellaris clown for well over a year in my 29 g tank. Recently upgraded to a 40g and wanted to know when I am ready if I could put a different species of clown in with what I have got? Will they get along? Pair maybe? I figure it would have to be smaller but how much smaller is right?

Looking to have something with interesting stripes.

In my experience another species of clown did not work. I had a percula (who now resides in my fuge) with a pair of maroons in a 120 gallon. Both had their own anemome on opposing sides of the tank and the percula would constantly come over and bother the other two.
I wouldn't try to mix species, but you could try a black O and maybe they would take to each other. There are many hybrids in nature, so it does happen, but in tanks clowns tend to be quite racist:)
jamescook;691390 wrote: I wouldn't try to mix species, but you could try a black O and maybe they would take to each other. There are many hybrids in nature, so it does happen, but in tanks clowns tend to be quite racist:)

My platinum and Picasso paired up.

I swear one time ill ask a question on this site I like the answer to hahahaah

Thanks!! Once again saving me $$ and hassel
the plat and picasso are both Percula. You could try snowflake, or naked, or any Ocellaris variety
Perculas & Ocellaris pair pretty easily between the species. Multiple designer clowns out there from that mix. Just need to do it with larger size differences. Not as easy as same species though.

Clarkii and skunks are a little harder to pair cross species.

Tomatos and maroons extremely hard to pair cross species. I'd go as far to say it is almost cruel to even try these cross species - somebody is getting a severe beating 99% of the time.
I have had two tank raised Black&White Ocellaris and two tank raised Onyx Perculas in a 40B for over a year and initially it looked like each was going to be a pair, however just recently the largest Black&White and the largest, but smaller than the B&W, Onyx seem to be a pair and the other two may be staying as juveniles.