Clownfish not acting right


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Hey all, I just noticed my False Perc not acting right last night and it has continued into today. He was just laying on the sand last night and not doing much of anything. He was the same way this morning and then he hid for awhile and now I have found him in the corner in front of my overflow, just swimming lazily.

He doesn't have any spots on him, he isn't breathing heavy, his fins look fine.

Up until now, he has been very happy and swims around alot and has eaten well. This all came out of the blue, so to speak, so I was wondering if anyone has any advice.

My QT is set-up and running, so if I need to net him and put him in there for observation or treatment, I can do that.

It's a peaceful tank and I've had him for about 4 months or so. He's alittle less than 2" long and I got him a buddy about 2 weeks ago that's about 2 1/2" long and they have been getting along fine.

Param's are normal and everyone else in the tank is doing fine.

Any ideas?

Quick Update:

I just tried to feed my fish, so I shut all my pumps off and tried to target feed the Clownfish. No luck, he wants no part of it. Then, while I was feeding the other fish, I noticed the Clownfish lying on the sand. So I netted him and put him in the QT. Tried to feed him there and still nothing.

He's swimming around some in there, which is kinda good, but I'm not sure what to do now.
have you noticed what his poop looks like? I'm suspicious of internal parasites, esp. if all other fish seem fine and tank parameters check out.
Man I hope it is OK. I have no advice for you. There are so many things that go unexplained in this hobby. Many times all that you can do is hope for the best.
I didn't notice anything strange about his poop, but most of the time, when I feed them, I leave shortly thereafter to go to work, so I haven't seen anything abnormal lately.

Another quickie:

A few minutes after I put him into the QT, he was on the bottom, breathing heavily. So, I decided that he might have Brook and gave him a 5 minute Formalin dip, b/c that's all he could take.

I put him back into the QT and at first, he was at the bottom again and I thought he was done, but I changed for work and was about to leave and checked on him and he was at least swimming around alittle, struggling to stay alive.

Sux I am at work now and have no idea what's going on.

Would have stayed home, but there's not much else I can do for him.

I hope it's not Brook, b/c I have the other clown in there and I will be getting a tang soon, so I don't want them getting it either.

I had to do something though, b/c he was deteriorating? fast and I don't want to stand by and watch him die.

Don't really think he is going to make it though. :sad:
Try adding some vitamin C from the fish store along with some garlic, it's worth a try.

I had a blue tang with pop eye dosed the vitamin c from the lfs for about a week and it cleared up. Not sure if the vitamin C fixed it, but its worth a try.

oops, thought i'd read it... :)

have you tried asking kelly over on marinedepot's forum?
No, I haven't. Who's that?

Anyway, just found out that Clownie's swimming with the fishes now.

I know, that was a bad one.

Sux, b/c we really liked him alot. :sad:
yeah, that is sad. Kelly is at she knows a lot about fish disease.