Clownfish with black marks-not stings


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Hi all- I used to be very active on this forum but life has taken over. Still in the hobby and love it though. I had a black clownfish recently die, look like some sort of parasite got him. He also has a hole in his gills.

Now my orange clownfish is going black and not as active. Had him for about 4 years now, he’s always been a nice rich orange color. No new corals in the tank for years and I haven’t seen him host anything and I don’t have an anemone.

The orange part of his body is now more “Burnt orange” and the black outlines are MUCH more pronounced. I don’t think it’s normal as he’s not as active and the other clown died. My other fish do not seem to have been affected, yet. Any ideas on what I can do to help the fish? I was upset with myself about the black clown- I hate to say it but with the baby and work, I just didn’t notice it in time…

thanks in advance
About the best one I could get, which isn’t good.


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Ive seen older clownfish develop stronger black markings as they age. It could potentially be normal.
I’ve seen them do that as well. It seems concerning to me as he is noticeably not as active.