clowns acting weird


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Been a few days of this behavior, hoping it would resolve itself but no yet.
Symptom: lack of active feeding, hiding in rockwork.

3 year old 16G bowfront, they've been in there almost the whole time. This setup was given to me by my eldest kid about 7 weeks ago, we moved water, LR, stand, etc. Bottled water up and relocated the whole thing, did approx 25% water change at that time.
coralline is active, cleaner shrimp, damsel and firefish are active, as well as hermits and snails, leather corals are open and anenomies are open and appear normal.
ammonia reads 0, nitrite reads zero, nitrate reads 25ish, ph is 8.0, SG is .023 temp 78F. lighting is a 175w MH viper, hang on skimmer and bio wheel with wheel removed.
tank has about 20 lbs of LR and a 2" sandbed.
noticed the clowns doing the mating 'wiggle' have not seen eggs, but they are hanging out in a cave at the tank bottom, can't see all angles.
I've been out of this for 20+ years, so I'm open to learn the new stuff and also have a 90G with a 20g 'fuge. Just needed a nudge to get back into this I guess. :)
no new fish (damsel) in the past 5 weeks. LR was only exposed long enough to transfer from tank to tub on floor and back into tank after move.
We've been watching for spikes, testing with tetra kits, and an API kit until we determine which is more accurate. So far had a small ammonia spike that lasted a day or so, followed by a nitrite spike of the same duration, values were just enough to notice color change on the tests, not extreme at all.
Die off I would expect to be changing values considerably, or am I off the mark?
Wondering if moving them to a QT tank would be worth the effort to catch them?