Clowns and their new Nem'


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I got my good camera back a took a few pics on the mew nem' I purchased from Linda. Thanks, Linda. My clowns love you!!!" alt="" />

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And a FTS:

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1 male, 2 females :thumbs:

I hope there is no such thing as "'wrasse police."
Those are Onyx Percs? I'm leaning more towards those every day... Beautiful pair and nem!!!
Yep. These are from He no longer sells to the public, though.
MvM;269031 wrote: Yep. These are from He no longer sells to the public, though.

WOW. Youve really got rid of a lot of rock. And I take it the female clown is better, huh?

FWIW, I herad Rod is going to start reselling clowns to retailers again, sopmetime in the future.
Yeah, I think the new aqua scape looks better and I got rid of all of those dam softies. I think Rod has started to sell to a few stores around him, but isn't prepared to go full tilt yet. I wonder what he will charge wholesale. If he charges what he did previously ($50-75) the lfs markups would make them ridiculously expensive. How's the flame tip doing?
Looking great, Matt, and your clowns look purty in there. Glad they're enjoying it!

clownking;270039 wrote: hey does linda have any more ... that color

I only had the one. I got it on Mother's Day last May and it split last week with the split going to Matt. The one I kept is the same color and about the same size.

As far as I know, Matt and I are the only ARC'rs who have these. There were a total of three (I think) at Cap Bay when I bought mine -- don't know where the other two went but I haven't heard a member mention getting one.

Oh, and when and if mine splits again, the split(s) are already spoken for. I'm tempted to go downstairs right now with a sharp knife...

Are you using the stock top? I am wanting a wrasse or two and was wondering if the stock top would suffice until I built one ala Dave (Acroholic).
thedeper;270155 wrote: Are you using the stock top? I am wanting a wrasse or two and was wondering if the stock top would suffice until I built one ala Dave (Acroholic).
Dave stole the idea from me. Kidding. There are a ton of people on RC that have done this. That's where I got the idea when I build mine a year ago. It's actually VERY easy. Took me about 20 minutes to make, and I used a clear mesh, as opposed to the black mesh that Dave used. I think the clear mesh blocks less light, but it's a lot harder to get.

Ahhhh, you did the top on here. I saw your thread a while back and it kind of went in the back of my mind. I saw Dave's the other day and it resparked the interest (well that and wanting to keep wrasse). How much you want to charge to make me one, lol?

Did you ever consider making it where it fit over the edges-kind of like a top to a shoe box if you follow me?
Never thought about making it larger. i would think that if it was larger, it would look a little messy. It's hard to tell in the pic, but mine actually sits inside the glass edges, just like the stock top does, and I use the plastic clips to hold it.
See, that is the thing...I can't really remember where I put my glass hangers for it lol. It looks clean, there is no doubt about that.
Thanks for the kind words. I actually tried to get out of reef keeping (work, kids, ect) but my wife would not let me get rid of the clowns. I'm very happy that I kept them. i would never think of getting out at this point. They have actually started showing spawning behavior. If they do, I'm going to try to raise them.
thedeper;270268 wrote: See, that is the thing...I can't really remember where I put my glass hangers for it lol. It looks clean, there is no doubt about that.
I'm sure you could order some from current for next to nothing. I'd be happy to help you build the cover if you came over to my place, of course. I think I have enough aluminum framing; you would just need the joints and the mesh. Shoot me a PM in you need help.