clowns host anemone?


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yo, i bought a pair of tank raised Amphiprion ocellaris of the dark variety:fish: and a bubble tip anemone, and i was wondering if they will even host it?? does any one know if they will?
I recently added a gbta to my tank with my pair of GSMs and the female dove into it as soon as I pulled my hand away from it. She didn't even give it a chance to put its foot down. Now both wallow in it all day and the male sleeps in it at night.
one trick I've used is to float a basket in your tank or sump. Place the fish and anemone in there for two weeks. They very quickly realize what the anemone is.
Budsreef;141208 wrote: I recently added a gbta to my tank with my pair of GSMs and the female dove into it as soon as I pulled my hand away from it. She didn't even give it a chance to put its foot down. Now both wallow in it all day and the male sleeps in it at night.

That's because maroons naturally host in BTAs while percs and false percs don't.

The only pretty sure way is the method suggested of keeping them closely confined together adnd that works most of the time.

If you want to let it happen naturally it could take months or never happen at all. I once had a 20G tank with a pair of false percs for almost 3 years with a big BTA in it and they never hosted! They laid eggs on the side of the glass on the opposite side of the tank!

I've had others in a 55g that within a day were hosting and they were also tank raised so it's really a crap shoot.
i would have to disagree with placing the anenome and clown in a closed basket, i know we see this at the lfs's but i tried this one time, and well the end result was the anenome stung the clown to death within 10 mins...
Simon.Kruger;141258 wrote: one trick I've used is to float a basket in your tank or sump. Place the fish and anemone in there for two weeks. They very quickly realize what the anemone is.

I have been doing this with apair of clowns for about 2 weeks. I hope they find each other one day. LOL. Great idea.
slayer77;141308 wrote: i would have to disagree with placing the anenome and clown in a closed basket, i know we see this at the lfs's but i tried this one time, and well the end result was the anenome stung the clown to death within 10 mins...

Makes mw wonder if the clown was in good health to start.
Right, I think the ocellaris naturally host carpet or maybe seabae anenomes.
kwl1763;141303 wrote: That's because maroons naturally host in BTAs while percs and false percs don't.

The only pretty sure way is the method suggested of keeping them closely confined together adnd that works most of the time.

If you want to let it happen naturally it could take months or never happen at all. I once had a 20G tank with a pair of false percs for almost 3 years with a big BTA in it and they never hosted! They laid eggs on the side of the glass on the opposite side of the tank!

I've had others in a 55g that within a day were hosting and they were also tank raised so it's really a crap shoot.
Well I can say as of tonight my Female clown hosted in her RBTA. So the basket trick works. I fed over the anemone so that they had to swim thought it to get to the food. It took about 2 weeks.
thats awesome! are they ocellaris? and also, ive seen lots of pics with clowns in RBTA, but ive only seen a few in GBTA.
I am going the patience route right now as mine aren't hosting either, but after Sprayin80's success I may try something a bit more drastic.
With this method you are actually doing a couple of things all together;

1) Keeping the anemone in clear shot of the clown fish. As you know they can walk about in a tank and disappear for days. This way it cant do that.

2) Once hosting you can catch and transplant in the aquarium easily.

3) Because its a float basket you are giving the anemone more light for that period which does give it a boost.

4) And finally the most important of them all. I think it puts a little bit of stress on the clown fish just enough for them to want to hide in something. Once they realize the anemone is not going to harm them they see it as a safe haven. The old survival trick if you can't see me I'm not there.

To speed this process up, you can quickly move the basket in the direction that pushes the fish and anemone together. They will realize it wont hurt them.
well the anemone has decided that he likes to sit in a cave all night and just kind of flop its tentacles out during the day. so far he has come out more and more every day. has anyone tried putting up pics of clownfish hosting and it work? also the clowns will chase a laser pointer, so if i had it go into the anemone you think they would follow?and would the laser or whatever hurt/stress the anemone?