
I wouldn’t do it. I have no experience with multiple clown pairs but everything I’ve heard is it’s a bad idea.
probably not a great idea. But a lot is dependent on the clown species. If aggressive, then no. I have had 5-6 clowns in a 6' system. They have lived in harmony, and very little aggression. But also have had two gold nuggets involved and the male would go to the other side of the tank to harass the other clowns. If each pair has their hosting/home is an important aspect. But everyone has a opinion based upon their experiences, and I am sure there has been many bad experiences.
If they are all the same species and added juveniles then it would be ok, that's how a clown harem tank works. But two different types of clowns that are already paired up can be a recipe for disaster. More so if one of the pairs are Maroon's, I'm not even sure my 550 is big enough for that. Spike is referencing my Golden nugget pair BTW, and I don't have the balls to put them in the display with a pair of Frostbites.
The stuff you read on the web is more like guidelines and people with bad experiences tend to be the loudest.
You'd probably be ok if they are still small and not nuggets or maroons
I tried introducing a second pair in my 11’ long 610g, killed one and made the other jump
I have had a very successful time doing this, the key for me is to do all at 1 time. My 300 had 4 pairs, all juveniles when added, and all added at the same time, they would switch partners often as they grew up, it was pretty cool to watch.

My 2 x 80 gallon frag tank had 15 pairs of juveniles in each, they were all fine, I sold them off in pairs, but never had any issues. Now, I bought them to sell, but they were paired up for 10+ months with zero issues. I didn't want to sell them before then, I loved watching them in the frag system.

Again, every single one of them was introduced at the same time, I don't suggest adding a pair to an established tank with an adult pair already, but if you can put all 4 in at once, you should be successful.

I will try to dig up some pics.
It's a risk and in my opinion the older the clown pairs get the higher the chance that fighting will occur even if they have grown up together. I had two pairs of Ocellaris in my 80 gallon and they got along fine until the original pair spawned and then the larger female with eggs killed the smaller female. I gave the then mateless male away. Six weeks later my female killed her own mate of 5 years as well. I have come to realize that even a mated pair of clowns have a fragile relationship much less multiple pairs.
Thanks for the info everyone. My first pair of Ocellaris are Stubbies and both are short and fat. My second pair in my 20L are Snowflakes. I’d prefer to not lose any of them, so separated they will stay.
Ive introduced 2 separate pairs (4 clowns) to the new 180g tank at the same time. All were ocellaris, some of the most peaceful individuals of one of the more peaceful species of clowns.

Everything went well for the first month or so, they kept to their own sides, 6 feet apart But then suddenly they started destroying each other. It wasnt pretty. I had to quickly catch and isolate the 2 weak ones, and it took a couple months for them to heal. I have multiple other stories too, but this is one for you.

So 80 gallons is very likely too small, unless doing a harem tank. Sorry.