CO2 for CA Reactor question


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Just wondering if the CO2 used on a CA Rx has to be a certain percent? I deal directly with a few gas distributors at work and know they come in a range of percent mixes (ie I have a 150cuft cylinder that is 18.6% CO2 balanced in nitrogen). I saw on Melevsreef that you use CO2 for carbonated drinks, just wondering if that is a particular percent CO2 or would I just request beverage CO2?
I have only ever know it in a result form. By that I mean, When the Ph on the reactor is at about 6.5 -6.7 I have it set right. I guess different concentrations would make that happen faster or slower by volume of C02 mixture to water. Interested in other answers though. I get tanks from AirGas.
I have only ever used CO2 tanks from welding supply places. I don't think it matters where they come from.
Sorry, I think I was a little confusing with what I was asking. When getting a refill of CO2 (I have an empty tank), do you have to request a specific concentration of CO2?

At my job, we have to calibrate analyzers with specific gas concentrations so we would run a 18.6% CO2 through our analyzer and a 9.xx% through there and a gas with no CO2 to zero it. So when we order CO2 cylinders we must specify what concentration we need.

I'm guessing I just request beverage CO2.
I don't really know the mix. I have an AirGas right down the street. I just take them my 10lb tank and $20 and they give me a refilled one.
From my understanding there is not a mix # or percent , that is only used when testing and calibrating equipment or if you are welding and there is a mix of argon with co2. Should be 100% co2 for our anf beverage use.