Student “Grand Challenges” Group seeking Equipment Donations to Develop Eco-tourism Kits to Help Restore Dying Coral Reefs
So I met with a group of students from Georgia Tech doing a ‘Grand Challenges’ program. As for my understanding; I believe they have undertaken the task of developing a solution for the rehabilitation of natural coral reefs.
I believe their current goal is to develop a purchasable kit, that users (possessing scuba certifications) can purchase and use to help place frags in reefs. To do so, they first intend to set up a reef tank in order to help develop first hand experience in working with living corals.
I’ve met with them for a couple of hours yesterday and answered a bunch of questions. They are developing their strategy right now. And they truly are in the very very beginning of their journey. And as we all know, healthy tanks take a while to become mature, so I think it’s great they are starting so early!
I’m posting on here because I’d like to draw attention to their cause. If anybody has any tanks, feeding-troughs, or equipment they would like to donate (or sell for ultra cheap), I know they would greatly appreciate it. Like most areas in education, they are under-funded, which poses a significant challenge to them making scientific breakthroughs that can actually help the reefs.
I will forward any messages to them for the meantime. Additionally, I will ask them to create an ARC profile for their group, and they I’ll link them to this post so they can talk to all of y’all directly!
Thank you for reading! And have a great day everybody!!!
So I met with a group of students from Georgia Tech doing a ‘Grand Challenges’ program. As for my understanding; I believe they have undertaken the task of developing a solution for the rehabilitation of natural coral reefs.
I believe their current goal is to develop a purchasable kit, that users (possessing scuba certifications) can purchase and use to help place frags in reefs. To do so, they first intend to set up a reef tank in order to help develop first hand experience in working with living corals.
I’ve met with them for a couple of hours yesterday and answered a bunch of questions. They are developing their strategy right now. And they truly are in the very very beginning of their journey. And as we all know, healthy tanks take a while to become mature, so I think it’s great they are starting so early!
I’m posting on here because I’d like to draw attention to their cause. If anybody has any tanks, feeding-troughs, or equipment they would like to donate (or sell for ultra cheap), I know they would greatly appreciate it. Like most areas in education, they are under-funded, which poses a significant challenge to them making scientific breakthroughs that can actually help the reefs.
I will forward any messages to them for the meantime. Additionally, I will ask them to create an ARC profile for their group, and they I’ll link them to this post so they can talk to all of y’all directly!
Thank you for reading! And have a great day everybody!!!