Color Enhancing LED Mod


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I just ordered this kit to test.

I will be mounting on my existing Maxspect G2 160 LED fixture.

This is not for PAR or growth, just color addition.

Obviously, I don't want a garish christmas tree color scheme. These strips are dimmable and color changing, so I can dial in a color AND brightness that help add a tint to my existing Blue and White LED's.

<div class="gc_ifarem_title">YouTube - PPA OLSHARGB Home Accent Multicolor LED Lighting Kit</div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src=""></iframe>

I ordered on Amazon for under 40 bucks for two 12" strips with Remote and cables."> PPA OLSHARGB Home Accent Multicolor LED Lighting Kit: Home Improvement</a>

Will update on the mod when I get it setup.
MONEY! good find Jamie

I'd be interested to see if these would take the place of buying stunner strips like I had planned for added color.
Crewdawg1981;625496 wrote: MONEY! good find Jamie

I'd be interested to see if these would take the place of buying stunner strips like I had planned for added color.

We will see pretty soon for sure. I have no idea how it will work out, but it is worth the test for the price.

I am assuming I will dial one strip into a slight red hue, pretty dim - just for pop. The other, I may dial into blue for increasing Blue color when most of my white LED's are full on, to include the two 15 watt LED's on the Maxspect.

Who knows, I may come up with something different when I start playing around with the color config.

Best thing is, it has a remote - so I can sit back and chill and dial in the color :D
These are just RGB (Red/Green/Blue) LED's been doing some larger scale testing on more powerful units to use along with other in full tank lighting.
Eric B;625531 wrote: These are just RGB (Red/Green/Blue) LED's been doing some larger scale testing on more powerful units to use along with other in full tank lighting.

Right... but if they satisfy the actinic supp that I'm looking to add... getting four of em for $70 sure would be nice!
Ok, unit arrived today.

So, it comes with one power cord, a controller, one remote and two 12" strips that connect to eachother to total 24". You can just run one 12" strip, create a 24" run, or buy more and create a long run.

For me, mission accomplished. For most, I do not advise you go this route. Basically, I was just trying to add a slight hue/tint to my exisiting LED setup....and it works. The red has the most impact. For most of your applications or expectations, I think it is not bright enough and will not penetrate enough. Everyone has a different setup too. You have to take into consideration I only have a 45 cube and it is only 18" tall.

This a neat little mod for nano aquariums to chase aesthetic color if you need a little more pop to your existing setup. Now, my existing Maxspect LED's are REALLY bright, so that probably plays a factor in diminishing the impact also. If you had a nano with a 150 HQI, like my old setup, this would be a pretty neat little mod to tweak the color like I am doing with my LED. It has turned out okay for me, allowing me to dial in a subtle tint to the color and I have more of a T5 Fiji color with the red.

In closing, I actually bougt two. So, I am going to find a nice clean way to add two independant 12" strips using two kits. I will have two strips left because the 24" long strip is too long for my small setup. Eventaully, I am going to search for a Y connector to allow me to connect them non-linear, tso I can have use all four strips. The reason I want to do this is because I really liked the Cyan color today, while I was playing with it. So, I am going to run two 12" strips with Red and two 12" strips with Cyan. I will connect them to a timer, or my control system. I think the four strips will have an even better impact.

Anyways, I am pleased and this is a good and cheap little mod until I buy an newer Gen LED that has more color aesthetics, possibly the new G3 Maxspect that is coming out....who knows, maybe an AI, but they aren't quite there yet either.

As for pics, I am tiling and remodelling ny bathroom, and really busy today. I am not even sure I can get good pics, but I will try take a set of before and after pics when I actually set it up in it's final configuration. Will update later, I just had to crack the box open and play with it for half an hour. Fun stuff. LOL.

Edit: Quick update. My Maxspect just came on full blast....The 30W LED's + all 3w Blue & 3w whites, and this little mod makes less impact. I was testing it with just all the 3w's on my Maxspect. The fixture is too bright, or these LED's are not powerful enough...however way you slice it.

I think I will keep one kit and run the Red LED's during my Actinic and 3w cycles, and then turn it off during the few hours where ALL my LED's are blasting away. It really makes a nice tint to during those lighting modes.
Ikea has a similar setup, and I bought them for night lights. It comes with 4 strips that cycle through 4 or 5 colors. I only used 1 strip and use it on blue, and like I said, just as a moon light. It's a little bright for moons, but the fish don't seem to mind. But during the day if I turn it on, it adds nothing to my existing lighting. Just not enough power/penetration.
FYI, I saw these on the shelf at Fry's this weekend, $35 or $39, don't remember the exact price.