Colorado Sunbursts becoming a pest


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I’m either having very good luck or very bad luck depending on how you look at things. This is the 2nd time my CSB has split in a couple of months. It’s deep in the rock before my torches so I’m not sure if it’s splitting cause the torches are stinging it or what. 2 stay together , the other is looped around stinging my Oregon tort colony. Here’s the two that split recently


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Well clearly the obvious solution is to give one of them to me!

Seriously though I have started capturing my nems for the same reason. They keep moving close to corals and stinging them. I have about 8 in the tank now from maybe 3. Just regular RBTA. I have been putting them in a basket. I have the rim of the basket slightly out of the water. They get good flow and seem happy. I put a couple of rocks in too in case they want to stick to them. I plan to remove all of them but one. Speaking of, are you interested in a RBTA? :p
I had an anemone in my 22g tank that was stung by an elegance coral. It split almost immediately after and both nems survived.
Ive seen a few reefs fully overtaken by BTAs. It happens.

For this reason, i only keep 1 BTA (Chicago Sunburst) in my main tank, and it stays on isolated rockwork. All others, and all splits, immediately go to a dedicated anemone tank. I highly recommend it.
They are so fair into the rock probably would be hard even if I wanna sell. The other loose one I might be able to get to if he moves a bit. But I’m not in too much of a hurry right now it’s not killing any corals atm.
They are so fair into the rock probably would be hard even if I wanna sell. The other loose one I might be able to get to if he moves a bit. But I’m not in too much of a hurry right now it’s not killing any corals atm.
There is a trick to capturing them. Cut a 1" PVC pipe about 10" long. Get some of those big sponges you use for washing cars. Make sure it is just a sponge and has no kinds of treatments on it. Cut a small hole in the sponge that the pipe will fit through snugly. Now take the pipe and place it directly over the nem. Secure the sponge to the rockwork on all sides of the nem basically leaving only one way for the nem to go. Eventually it will begin to climb the pipe seeking the light and you can pull the pipe with the nem inside right out. I will send you some pictures of my rig that I use.

You have to be patient. Some of them are stubborn and take several days to finally move. I have yet to fail with it though.
There is a trick to capturing them. Cut a 1" PVC pipe about 10" long. Get some of those big sponges you use for washing cars. Make sure it is just a sponge and has no kinds of treatments on it. Cut a small hole in the sponge that the pipe will fit through snugly. Now take the pipe and place it directly over the nem. Secure the sponge to the rockwork on all sides of the nem basically leaving only one way for the nem to go. Eventually it will begin to climb the pipe seeking the light and you can pull the pipe with the nem inside right out. I will send you some pictures of my rig that I use.

You have to be patient. Some of them are stubborn and take several days to finally move. I have yet to fail with it though.
I’m about to move soon. That’s why I’m not really in a rush for anything :)
Man I have a rbta that's about 8-10 inch big since 6 months ago and man I wish he would split so it doesn't take all the space.

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