Combining tanks


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Well, I'm thinking I'm going to take down my 29gal tank and move all the inhabitants to my 135. I spend most of my time and money on the 135 so it's far more stable than the 29. Any suggestions on moving everything over? My plan was to put just enough of the tank water in a rubbermaid container to cover all the LR and then begin dripping from the 135 over the course of an hour or two. There are some ricordia, paly's, and a GBTA attached to the rock which I intend to leave attached and place in the 135 after the drip. I will acclimate the (2) fish and the clam separately.

Suggestions are welcome, feel free to tell me I'm over thinking or I'm missing a step. I would just prefer to not lose anything while switching it over. :unsure:

Sounds like you have the plan...Go 4 it.. I don't see anything wrong. Sounds like you take better care of the animals than most do!
The rock and coral don't need to be drip acclimated. I would just put them in.
I agree with Skriz that drip acclimating the rock and coral is not necessary and probably a couple of hours wouldn't make much difference. I think I would just do a couple of 10G water changes on the 135G and use the water you take out of it to do the same amount of water change on the 29G. Two days in a row would pretty much equalize them. I'd still drip any animals including the gbta.