Mug;553172 wrote: what went wrong with your tank Dave? I’ve been checking my water daily and its still perfect. I don’t pretend to know anything about saltwater tanks because this is my first one. I’m posting to find advice from someone who has kept some of these aggressive fish before. I know some people are against feeding fish live food so I wont get into that. The next smallest fish in the tank is a damsel and I wouldn’t be too sad if the hawk decided to eat one. (I’d take the rest of the smaller damsels out if that happened). Thanks for reminding me about the jumping concern. I do have tops on all my tanks. Getting the bicoclor psudochromis was my idea and I do research on all the fish before I buy them. I’ve read and was told that they are territorial and can take on bigger fish, so I thought they might be ok if they grew up together. I was wrong, but on the positive side I fed my new hawk a 10 dollar meal to get him settled into the new tank. The hawk looks like a blimp, its belly is so stuffed.
Whenever I decide to get more fish I’m thinking about a tomato or maroon clown, bird wrasse, and niger trigger. (big enough that the hawk can’t eat of course) I’m the most worried about the niger trigger, but I’ve been told and have read that some are nice and some are terrors. I hope I can find a small one that is somewhere in the middle.
It's not just about water quality. The types of fish you add, and when you add them, can add to stress and cause them to be more susceptible to disease, cause them to fight, etc. First, don't buy any more fish for a while. Let everything settle for a couple weeks. In the mean time, spend some one-on-one time with someone that has a lot of experience. I'd say go to Tim at Keen Reef, Chris at Fish Scales, Jenn at Imagine Ocean, or John at All Things Aquatic. These are the people that I've had experience with and have gotten nothing but sage advice. Talk to them about your system, current inhabitants, and what you plan to do in the future.
From what you've told us, I don't think anyone will disagree that you've jumped in a little quick. Answers to the following questions will really help tailor the advice to exactly what you need and will keep people from chastising you because there's something you haven't said. I know some of these have been answered vaguely, but specific answers will lead to specific advice.
When, exactly, did you first set up your tank and begin the cycle?
How long did it cycle for?
What, exactly, did you use to cycle (number and type of fish)?
Tell us everything about your system and equipment.
What is the current stock list?
List the specific types of fish you are thinking of adding and we'll be able to tell you which will work and which won't. Also list any types of coral you will be planning on adding.