Concerned about my Regal Tang


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Not sure if I have a warranted case here, but I added a small Regal Tang and a Regal Tang this Sat and they appeared to be doing fine.

When I came home last night, my tank was cloudy from the Goby and noticed that my Regal Tang had white specks on it. Of course I'm thinking the worst - Ich! I fed it and watched it swim around. It appears to be swimming around fine and eating, but it brushed up against the live rock a couple of times - knocking the white specks off.

As my Goby went to sleep for the evening, my tank cleared up a good bit. At noon when my MH came on, the Regal came out looking fine. No white specs that I could see. Now as the day has progressed, the Goby has stirred the tank up again and now the Regal has a few white specs on it again. It has been eating off the rock and occassionally will brush up against it - again knocking off the white specs. Other than that the Regal has been swimming around, eating off the rock and doesn't show any signs of heavy breathing, etc...

My question - Is this Ich or is it just sand silt that was floating in the water from the Goby's sifting? Should I put the Regal in a QT for a few days to watch it (and also let the silt die off in my main tank)?
I don't think he has Ich. I think you should leave him in there but keep a close eye on him. I think it is just the sand. I have a Blue Tang and my Maroon Clown stirs up the sand all the time but nothing really sticks to him. The only thing that concerns me is the brushing on the rocks.
thanks for the words of encouragement, but i believe he has Ich. I've started to raise the tank temp and are now feeding all of my fish food with Garlic and Metronidazole. I'm also dropping the salinity - slowly.

Hopefully things will work out.