condy anemone is on war path


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my Condy moves every day, it seems to take a liking to only going onto other corals and killing them

It has killed a few so far and just now I saw it swimming around to land square on the center of my GSP

Everything it lands on dies very quick, I have lost hammers, mushrooms, fire & ice and some other pieces

Now its probably my GSP turn to go

I like the look of the Condy, any advice on how to stop this?
Else I am going to have to get rid of it somehow

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They like to move and keep moving until one day they will be tangled up in your power head. IMO best way to stop them from moving is to take back to the store.:D Or if not an option try an keep it fed in one location maybe it will like the attention and stay put.
Unfortunately that's pretty typical of the Condy unless it happens to settle down someplace, then you can arrange stuff elsewhere, and away from it.

Murphy's Law of Reefkeeping, the $10 critter will always beat the $50+ critter.

Could you keep it alive in your sump? If you snuggle it in some rocks with crevices in your sump and feed it well maybe it would lock on one?
Then move the rock to your DT... Just a thought.