Condylactis Anemone

Clowns practically never host in them, although the clarkii I sold linda would host in a condi or rock anemone. They seem harder to keep than BTAs, as I've not had great luck with them. They come directly from the ocean just to die in peoples tanks.

Pros would be that they are cheap.
Oooooookay...death isnt good...makes me feel like Im an inferior reefer..I am looking to see if I can find something for my clarkies at this point without spending a ton and to make sure my tank is now set up appropriately for an anenome. (not enough light previously)
I was given 3 condy's when I got my live rock. One was purple tipped, one green, and one white. I knew the white one was a goner 'cause of the lack of color, but he lived for 2 months--getting smaller all the time. I've still got the other two but I'm getting rid of 'em. They've more than doubled in size 3 months.

I've aquired a GBTA and i've got a couple of Ocellaris in QT, so the Condi's are moving out. They're yours if you want them Russ!

I used to have one 20 years ago in a 30 gal FO tank. I don't think that they're hard to keep. I periodically feed 'em a piece of shrimp or spray 'em with brine shrimp.

My problems with them are:

They roam periodically and have a strong sting. I have to move them--or move corals out of their way.

Since Condi's are from FL/Carribean waters, there's no natural association with clowns. IF clowns host in them...and they sometimes do...the condi may eventually change his mind and eat the clown fish. It's an expensive meal...
Geehh pretty much nailed it. They're easy, just feed them. They're from the Carribean, clowns are not. Like D9 said, get a BTA.
ordered a RBT today will have wednesday, lfs will order on tuesday
Yes, same as any other fish would. My 6 Line would swim in and out of my condi, but of coarse not host in it, but was unafected by any sting.
I have a condi...
My maroon DID host in it- very cool.
Doesn't sting you if you happen to touch it.
Very big and open most all day

Moves ALOT!!
Stings everything else in it's path... (we have a section of our 90 set out just for the Condi.. we built a 'wall' so he couldn't reach the coral)
Gets VERY big VERY fast.
They BURN everything they touch and they touch alot as they are always on the move. A $5 animal that has the free roam of a tank to burn up literally $1000's in corals......Let me
haha I've had one for well over 6 months now that was owned for atleast a year by a previous owner before me. VERY easy to care for--- he does roam, but its common for him to choose a spot and stay still for a few weeks at a time :) he hasnt managed to screw up anything too badly just yet lol haha--- As i move a new BTA in soon though he'll be on his way out :)