Cone snails


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The subject of cone snails came up, so thought I’d post some information. These beautiful shells are not likely to be encountered in our reefs or even in the wild. However, if they are we should know what they are capable of & how to recognize them.

This is a Geography Cone, sometimes considered the most toxic animal on earth, based on the LD50 (lethal dose 50%) of it’s toxins. Yes, it has a mixture of them.

The bottom is the business end, where it’s proboscis can extend out of the shell. Within is a harpoon shaped appendage which is used to spear & envenomate it’s prey, which are usually fish, worms or even other snails. By picking them up at this end is how humans get stung. Handling at the top, while safer, is not recommended. The mixture of toxins includes anesthetizing agents which numb it‘s victims rapidly, so you aren’t likely to know if you’ve been stung. The reaction may be delayed & there are no known antidotes.
That's so cool. That is definitely a Conus geographus shell; it's unmistakable. Scary part is there is no antivenin.
Definitely not a snail to mess with! Those poor Blenny's didn't even know what hit them.

On a side note, did you see the size of the aptiasia's in the vid? Damn!