Confusing coral behavior

In my experience the "kryptonite" candy cane is much more sensitive to high light. I don't know why. I had both colors in the same spot just like you, but the teal was thriving and the kryptonite was dying back. Once I moved the kryptonite to the very bottom of the tank under an arch it bounced back. Now it looks like this:

Don't know if that applies to your situation. It could also just be taking longer to adjust to it's new home.
I've had the kryptonite longer so that's why I was so confused. But I do have a good spot that has a little shade. I'll try moving it tomorrow. But it does look much better during the day.

could you post a pic of where you keep yours in the tank?
It looks like some of the coral tissue is damaged and peeling away from the skeleton? That could definitely contribute to the coral looking upset. I would watch that for infection until it heals Overall it doesn't look that bad though. Candy canes are really hardy.

Algae should never be able to grow on coral tissue. If you see brown stuff on the tissue the coral is either pooping (if it's being expelled from the mouth) or it could be a bacterial infection like brown jelly. It could also just be some debris that was floating by and got stuck on the coral, which is what it looks like to me in that picture.

If you can gently blow it off with a turkey baster, I wouldn't worry about it unless it comes back. If it comes back and looks like brown jelly growing on the corals tissue, my go-to is an iodine dip.

Another more general point to keep in mind is that too much light can kill a coral quickly, whereas too little light takes a looooong time to cause a problem. So, it's always best to err on the side of too little light and slowly increase from there. I would leave it be in the lower light for a while.
thanks. I've moved him to the bottom of the tank, maybe an inch off the floor and to the far side maybe 2 inches from the glass. it's about a chill spot as I can find in here. We'll have to wait an see what happens.