Connections? Hall County area.


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Hall County
Hi, so as we all know, one of the most painstaking thing to do in this hobby is buy either fish/inverts, corals, live rock, and other needed equipment. Also, I know we all in some point have to support our local fish stores and buy merchandise from them as well but one thing I've learned, the hobby isn't cheap. As a new member to this awesome community, I've learned the possibility of reaching out to other reef tank enthusiasts/experts and in my case, buy stuff or in others, trading stuff specially corals. But the most important thing of all, making these connections to help others out when questions arise about our specific tanks. I'm a 5 month old "reef tank keeper" and I've got more questions than answers. On my last coral shopping, the gentleman that sold me the coral told me lots of people he sells stuff to also come from the Hall County area. If anyone on the Hall County area also sells frags of coral, please PM me! It would save me a big trip; don't get me wrong, my past coral buying experiences have been great and perhaps plan to visit them again for more coral.

Happy Reef Keeping!
