Continuum Exxodus Nitryx Brick


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Just wanted to give a quick review for the Continuum Nitryx Brick. I bought the brick to deal with some high nitrates (100ppm on my Salifert test kit). I have a 120g reef that I had to restart due to a horrible case of dinos. I used Dr. Tim's Bacteria with his ammonia to start the cycle. After the tank cycled I had a very high reading on nitrates (think it may have been from dosing ammonia). I implemented several large water changes and could not get any reading under 100ppm nitrate. I purchased the Nitryx brick and washed it in RO/DI water and then soaked it in tank water with BacterGen MD and Micro Fuel (dosed to the water volume of the display). The next day I added the brick into my sump and poured the tank water I soaked the brick in back into the display. After two weeks I took a reading and my nitrates had dropped to 50ppm. I tested today, which is three weeks, and my nitrates are 2ppm! Love when a product does what it says it does. :thumbs:

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Do you think that the brick itself brought the nitrates down that quickly or do you think it was the use of the beneficial bacteria you added to the tank? It's my understanding that it can take months for these media bricks to become loaded with the beneficial bacteria required to aid in the denitrification process.
I agree that the bacteria would play a major role in the process. The difference in the nitryx brick vs other media bricks is it is doped with sulfur particles that are supposed to help the process of building large amounts of anaerobic microbes to provide a place for denitration. You can see the yellow sulfur particles scattered throughout the surface of the brick. I was told the process could take anywhere from 2 weeks to over a month to start to see a reduction in nitrates. I was surprised as how fast the drop was and it has only been three weeks since the addition.