Controlling LEDs


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Brief backstory:

My LED unit took a swin - fast forward - I have MOST of the internal components to get it reassembled, with the exception of the controller.

Here's what I know:

The unit uses a single 24v power supply, that is routed through an internal driver board that splits it into seperate channels (I think 3, but not sure).
I'm thinking that the LEDs are split into Blue, White, and Moonlight channels. The color rating of the light obviously adjusted for the percentage of each color used.

The LEDs are controlled through a 4-pin molex connector that runs to a controller board that looks to be the same style as an Arduino, but it's not. The lights can be run with no function as an on/off fixture with or without the cable connected. In order for the light to function, all wires terminate together.

This "master unit" also controls a slave via the same 4 wire external connection.

The only way to control the lights is via bluetooth - which the replacement controller does not seem to have.

Here's what I think:

The channels are obviously controlled by some means of voltage regulation through the 4 pin connector.

My question:

Anyone have any clue how this thing might actually work? I'm a whiz at soldering, video games, driving fast cars, and shooting big guns, but when it comes to how electronics work, I'm a bit of a n00b.

I can attach some pictures if anyone would like to see what the inside of a $1200 LED system looks like AFTER it's swam a few hours and then sat more than a year.
Sure, post some pics.

If you can't figure out exactly what you have/need, you should be able to replace the drivers and controller with new ones for a small fraction of the cost of the fixture.

I have a new driver and all the LEDs work. I've contacted the main company and I'm waiting on a new controller board to show up. I thought the company went defunct but it turns out the North American distributor went defunct to form Reeftech.

Looks like I'll have it back up in a week or so. Pics to follow in a day or so. I left my good camera at work.
Ok, here are some pictures of what it did look like...

Inside the top casing:
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The bottom:
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The LED board (notice the wiring pattern - this might be of particular interest to those wanting to seperately control white and blue LED channels) You might also note the 23432443534 screws that secure it to the heatsink:
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The internal driver and controller - pretty bad corrosion - also after I had stripped the wiring away:
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After the paint finishes drying and I get it put back together, I'll get some pictures up.
How about a close up of the chips on the driver board so that I can read the part numbers?

Here's what it looks like with new electronics and a new coat of paint... The controller had to be shipped from Poland and wont be here until next week.

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And as requested...
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And here is the "driver" which I think is more of just a power supply that powers it...
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