Converting Canister Filter into sump pump


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Okay all my smart peeps,
Can a canister filter be modify to use has a sump pump? Like everyone one else tough budget can not afford a reg. pump. But someone on here suggested to get rid of my canister filter it causes a lot of problems. I have to use it because my tank is not drilled. Still in the stone age.LOL...Thanks Mike:D
Can be done to a degree. Just fill it with live rock instead of what is normally in the canister filter.

Best of Luck!!!

Edit: Oh yeah. Live rock or Seachem Matrix.
Canister filters are terrible pumps. They pretty much rely on there being 0 head height.

A canister filter doesn't allow any exchange or any of the advantages that come with a sump.
I don't have a lot of room and a small budget. All the pumps I have been looking at are out of my range. I just need one on a 40gal dt which is not drilled. I was thinking about one of the pre-made sumps that I could possibly afford. I would even tank a used one...I am not picky. When I go to a sump I guess I will kick this canister to the curb. LOL
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking-

Are you wanting to know about the effectiveness of a canister filter being used as a pump to pump water from a sump to the tank? Or are you curious if canister filters are accepted means for saltwater filtration?
I have a huge canister on my 60 cube. While it helps filter some it's more of a pita then anything.
Dylan, I want to take it and modify it into a sump pump....sorry for the confusion.

Kris, I know about the PITA. I just hate cleaning it and putting in new media. How you doing?
If you are trying to use it as a pump, and pump alone(not filtration) then it would not be a good choice. They aren't designed to push water up, they are more or less built for recirculation with little resistance from gravity.
Well, that pretty much blows that theory out the window. LOL..

Mabye I misunderstood the question. I've seen some people that were in a similar situation and couldn't do a sump for one reason or another, and ended up re-using a fluval canister stuffed with LR or something like that instead of the normal filtration inside the canister. I assume it helped, to a degree for the filtration, but, was not a replacement for a sump. Agree with the others, the motor in the canister filter probably wouldn't be strong enough. It is required to push quite a bit, even if there aren't any 90 degree angles, or anything like that...

jmike50: You can always add a sump later. After running with HOB equipment, I finally got my sump built, and haven't looked back since...

Best of luck!!!
It would be slow flow for sure, 100-200gph range i would guess, but Id say it could work in a pinch. I'd say keep a lookout for a used mag pump for cheap and sell the canister to offset the cost.
Thanks guys....I got a feeling this is going to be a long process for me, but trying to come up into the real world.

Cedz..I use HOB equipment plus the cnister filter and a protein skimmer.