copepods filter socks


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Does the copepods get stuck in your filter pads or do they stay in your display & reproduce?
pods end up all over, I know I throw out lots when I change my filter sock, change my filter floss in the sump but where there is no predators to eat them , their will thrive.
my overflow is my pod heaven.
My pods do both, I pick them out of the filter socks and put them into the tanks that have wrasses and mandarins.:yes:
This is a great question. With my new sump, I'm running a big filter sock AND I have the refugium. I didn't even realize you could see the copepods well enough to actually pick them out of a sock. I didn't think that sock might be actually filtering them out.
Amphipods are the larger of the pod family and can be seen with a flashlight crawling over the rocks at night. I also have tisbee pods, when I start a new tank, after the cycle, I take filter floss and wipe the insde of one of my other sump and start a new culture in the new sump. I can't see well enought to pick them out of the filter socks! Lol :D
Raz0945;1057577 wrote: Amphipods are the larger of the pod family and can be seen with a flashlight crawling over the rocks at night. I also have tisbee pods, when I start a new tank, after the cycle, I take filter floss and wipe the insde of one of my other sump and start a new culture in the new sump. I can't see well enought to pick them out of the filter socks! Lol :D

Lol but very smart Holley :yes:
it would a good idea to turn the sock inside out and rinse it in a white bucket with tank water so you can see them better if you want to save what ever pods end up in the sock.
while doing a water change and or when you need to change sock would be a good time to do this even if you just wanted to see what was in your sock.
I used to do this but it wasn't worth my time for the amount of anything I was saving.
I flick the larger amphipods out of of filter bags/socks. You can give the media a swirly in a bucket of saltwater too to dislodge them, but the downside, is it dislodges all the crud you're using the media to catch.

A brine shrimp net will catch them in the bucket (and some of the dirt too...)

I hate to throw away viable pods, but it can be time consuming to try to salvage them out of the media. One way or another, some do get discarded.

Put about 1/4" water in a bucket and invert the filter socks in the bucket. Give it an hour and the pods leave the socks for the water in the bucket.

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I prefer not to touch my filter socks too much for obvious reasons. Also don't want any nastiness going back into the water