copepods in tank bbut not fuge


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Ok, so i can see thousands of copepods and isopods in my tank. There have been no fish in there for 5 weeks. However, i can barely see any in my fuge.

I know they are in there but there are definitely less of them it seems. I am going to put the fish back in the tank tomorrow, including a six line wrasse. I want to try and maintain the population of pods as much as possible.

Is there anything I can do to make sure that more of them survive in the fuge? Maybe move them from tank to fuge?
If there are a bunch in the tank then there are a bunch in the fuge. There are probably A LOT more hiding places in the fuge than in the tank and they seem to not move as much when they are in the Macro. You "could" try to move some from the tank to the fuge. But they are so delicate you'd probably kill them.
yeah, there are definitely some in the fuge but in the tank i see them all over the glass, rocks, shells, everywhere....literally thousands.

in the fuge i see them only in the macro and a few on the rocks....

what about a sponge?
What about it? Oh wait you mean put it in the tank, let them jump on it then transfer them?
The population in the fuge will only be as large as the food supply allows. So don't worry about the number of pods, as long its seeded they will populate the fuge to capacity so long as there are no predators.

One thing that seems to help grow more pods though is to put on some soft music, turn down the lights and light some scented candles, and poor in a bottle of bubbly...
bwa hahahahahaha! thats great..... jorge man they are there, most of the time the pods dont come out till night time anyways, plus they will be burried in the rocks to hide from any predators.