Copepods - now what? :)


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So after only a few weeks of having my fuge setup, starting to see a ton of small white copepods and a few larger amphipods running around.

1. What are the benefits of having them in my fuge?
2. What do they do for me? Eat old food and crap?
3. Should they be isolated to the fuge (as much as possible) or should they be allowed to pass through to the sump/display? Right now I have them isloated in the fuge.

I read everyone wants and likes them but I can't find why. :confused2:

you want them to stay in the fuge so they can reproduce but you also want them to migrate to the display tank so they can serve as food and scavengers. Some will find their way to the display through your return pump. They are loved so much by people becasue they are found in a natural ecosystem. Just part of the food chain.... they eat unwanted detritus and such and also make nice snacks for your fish.
Cool - Fuge setup: I use the slow push of water up from my sump, through my UV, through my chiller, and over to my fuge then gravity back down to the return section of my sump.

i have a modified filter sponge that blocks everything from passing from the sand/chaeto section of the fuge to the clear/skimmer section so they would have to be incredibly small to get through.

I guess as they build up, I could just take a cup of them from the fuge and pour them into the display.