Copper Banded Butterfly or Matted Filefish?


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So I'm seeing aiptasia starting to pop up here & there. Nothing huge, but enough that I want to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. I've NEVER had luck using any of the chemical treatments so I'm leaning towards a preadator since I'm light on fish to begin with.

The choice then comes down to Copper Banded Butterfly or a Matted Filefish. (or are there others???)

Peppermint shrimp are out because my wrasse will eat them if the anemones don't do it first. My nems LOVE ornamental shrimp. And once you've watched 2 $30 cleaner shrimp, and 6 $5 peppermints get eaten, well, you get the hint that they're not gonna work.

The fish is going in a 150 which currently have 4 small clownfish, 1 large cardinal, 1 mandarin and a large Melanurus wrasse. Decent amount of rockwork to pick at and hide in.

Obviously both fish have the possibility of going rogue and eating the clam, anemones or corals, but the probability seems to be fairly low.

Right now I'm leaning towards the Butterfly because I like the look of it more than the filefish, BUT I do realize it's a tougher fish to keep than the filefish.

So with all that, am I setting myself up for failure with either of these fish? What are your thoughts/comments?
I love my copperband. That fish will pick mysis out of my hands.

He picks on welso brains. He Leaves everything else alone unless it is an aiptasia.
I think both fish are good choices, and here is a pro/con list I threw together. IMO

Pro's: Easy to care for, weird looking, easy to catch if removal is desired, inexpensive
Cons: weird looking, may eat some corals

Copperband Butterfly
Pro's: beautiful, beautiful
<u>Cons:</u> More difficult to care for, requires larger tank, fast/difficult to catch if removal is desired, may eat some corals
Yep, agree with the Pro-Con list mostly. Although they're pretty comparable in price and I personally have better luck catching bigger fish. haha.

Thanks for the input! It's all helpful.