Coral advise


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I've got two coral that aren't doing so great.

Ph- varies during day from 7.95-8.01
Phosphates- barley visible
Calcium- 460
Mg- 1380
Dkh/alk- 9.9 3.53

One I think is gone, its the white plate coral. I first had it in the bottom in the sand and I thought lights were to strong because it started to do bad in a few days. I've had it under the shade and other parts of the tank for past few weeks. Just seems to be getting worse and I can't explain to why.

Other is just a green torch- it was doing great when we first got it, opened up as big as the others around it. Now its just not opening all the way and branching around. It just stays about that size. not sure why any advise?
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Tank could be too clean. Zero nitrates and phosphates can be bad if you're not feeding the coral heavily.
That first coral is not a plate. Looks like a (dying) Trachyphyllia. It should never be white - if it was, it was bleached. Should be green or red and green. Did you feed it? It's looking like it might be too far gone, but you can try feeding it. For now I'd move it off the sand and make sure it's not near anything that is going to sting it.

The Euphyllia looks OK - maybe move it to lesser flow, or move flow off it a bit? They like moderate flow but too strong can damage tissue so it may stay retracted a bit.

You are correct Jenn, it is a Trachyphyllia. I do feed oyster feast/ROE/phyto mixture every other day. And have target fed it directly multiple times. It seems to have gotten bleached from its first couple days in the tank. Our radions were set to hit a max of 30% intensity but we've lowered it down to mid 20s now being the strongest. When you say move it off the sand would you suggest moving it up on a rock closer to the light? Do you think it's too far gone?

Also good advise on the Euphyllia, I'm going to adjust the flow tomorrow and see if maybe it's getting too much. I didn't about that considering the 3 around it were enjoying the flow so much. I may need to adjust where I stuck the mp40. I'll try tomorrow with very very little flow and see if it responds better first.
What LED lights are you using? It's easy to cook that soft stuff

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
SnowManSnow;1094357 wrote: What LED lights are you using? It's easy to cook that soft stuff

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
At 30%? I'd say that if a trach was bleaching in the sandbed at that percentage it would seem to me that so would the euphys located higher up imo. What neighbors did the trach have near it, I once had a mushroom use chemical warfare to kill a trach and a Bubble coral.

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