Coral Banded Shrimp Attacking Yellow Tang


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Two days ago I put my new yellow tang into my display tank. He settled right in. He noticed my coral banded shrimp right away and decided to stop in for a cleaning. Problem is, my coral banded doesn't seem too thrilled with the idea.

I figured eventually the yellow tang would get the hint and swim away but he is determined. Yesterday I noticed his fins are a little torn from being pinched by the shrimp yet he is still going over there.

I did notice once or twice the shrimp "cleaning" him, but mostly it seems like he wants to be left alone. Should I let them just work things out or should I remove the shrimp? I really like the shrimp so I would hate to get rid of him. Also, is this a sign of possible parasites on the tang? He seems healthy enough and I had him in QT for a bit.

Another idea I had was adding a skunk cleaner shrimp which, from what I understand, readily clean fish in captivity. Would a skunk cleaner shrimp and my coral banded both get along in my tank? It's a 150g.

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
Neither did I but I did a bit of research and it turns out they are cleaner shrimp, they just tend to not "clean" as much in an aquarium setting. I learn something new everyday in this hobby :)
They do set up "cleaning" stations in the wild. They tend to be in rock next to an open area, but I've never witnessed cleaning behaviour though. CBS tend to be a bit ornery. I would banish it to the sump (if you have one) till the tang was more acclimated and try re-introducing the CBS.
PFCDeitz;676663 wrote: Don't sound like it's the shrimp. Any other fish in the tank?

Oh it's the shrimp. I watched him grab onto the tang's tail and not let go. Tang finally got away then did a 180 right back to the shrimp. lol

Good idea darcurr. My QT is still set up so I might just put him there for a bit. He will have a bit more room than in my sump.
I have both a CBS and a cleaner shrimp in my tank and they do fine together, but were introduced at the same time. I have to say my CBS is a little demon sometimes, he steals food from my corals and anemone and tries to attack my hand when I put it in my tank (not just jumping on, but jumping on and pinching). Never seen him mess with a fish though.
Good news, it seems my yellow tang has finally decided to stay away from the shrimp. I'll keep an eye on them and take the shrimp out if necessary.

Ruadh;676681 wrote: I have both a CBS and a cleaner shrimp in my tank and they do fine together, but were introduced at the same time. I have to say my CBS is a little demon sometimes, he steals food from my corals and anemone and tries to attack my hand when I put it in my tank (not just jumping on, but jumping on and pinching). Never seen him mess with a fish though.

How big is your tank? I would like to add a cleaner shrimp as long as I know they won't kill each other.