coral banded shrimp?


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i am thinking about adding one. i've heard they eat other shrimp is this true? what's the group thought on this? also any thing bad i should know about lettuce Nudibranch? i'm buying the market leader reef pack from and am unfamiliare with some of the critters.

Well the lettuce nudi ONLY "eats" hair algae... If you do not have hair algae, it will starve and die (when they die they can release toxins)! If you have hair algae they will "eat" it (I say "eat" because they do not eat it, they just suck all the good stuff out of it and leave a gray piece of algae in it path which dies) but when you run out of hair algae you need to get rid of the nudi. There are much better creatures for hair algae control IMHO but I must admit a Lettuce nudi is fun to watch!!!

A Coral Banded is fine with most shrimp espically if the CBS is the last one added. I would not trust him with a sexy shrimp but a peppermint or cleaner will hold its own IMHO..
If you've not already ordered that reef pack, you might want to consider the CUC packs offered by Fishy Business (one of the ARC sponsors). Unbeatable prices and Stevhan is terrific with the advice and answering questions.

We're thrilled with everything we've gotten from him... plus he's local.

Xyzpdq0121;55781 wrote:

A Coral Banded is fine with most shrimp espically if the CBS is the last one added. I would not trust him with a sexy shrimp but a peppermint or cleaner will hold its own IMHO..

I would disgaree. CB are aggressive twoards others, and will probably eventually kill the other shrimp. It may last a while, but ultimately i think you'll end up with only a cb.
jmaneyapanda;55867 wrote: I would disgaree. CB are aggressive twoards others, and will probably eventually kill the other shrimp. It may last a while, but ultimately i think you'll end up with only a cb.

I am beginning to lean toward this also. I added a CB after I had my scarlet skunk cleaner and they lasted for months. The cleaner I had was awesome and was the second oldest thing in my tank. Well I awoke one day to find the molted shell as well as the dead cleaner next to it. Although I'm not really sure what killed it:unsure:
CBs are territorial to some degree, but aren't likely to seek out other shrimp. I wouldn't put them together in a smaller tank, but in a larger tank it shouldn't be a problem. I would advise going with the golden variety as they do not get as large from my understanding and are less likely to jump on a larger shrimp.
Cameron;55897 wrote: CBs are territorial to some degree, but aren't likely to seek out other shrimp. I wouldn't put them together in a smaller tank, but in a larger tank it shouldn't be a problem. I would advise going with the golden variety as they do not get as large from my understanding and are less likely to jump on a larger shrimp.
This is pretty much the deal with Coral Banded Shrimp. Virtually all the shrimp breeds I've kept (Peppermint, Cleaner/Skunk, Blood, and Coral Banded) don't particularly care to mix with each other. As long as you provide plenty of hiding spots and outcroppings (they all like to hang out on the underside of rocks), different species will arrange their own territories. Small tanks are ok as long as you have a high rock content which corresponds to nooks and hiding spots all over whereas larger tanks have greater physical separation.

However it's also true that a tiny Peppermint will probably be seen as viable food by a full-size white Coral Banded. The same goes for tiny fish.

It may be that the behavior I have witnessed is more of a "strained detente" than actual co-existence, but it held fine over the years with a minimum of bickering at feeding time.

If you can, get a mated pair of coral banded shrimp. Very cool addition.
I think a peppermint is likely always going to be viewed as a food source as it never gets very big. I don't keep them (as any number of fish in my tank would gobble them up... such as a flame hawkfish) so my comments are isolated to blood and skunk with a banded.

BTW, my blood and skunks hang out together. Don't know how common that is, but it does happen in my tank.

If you are looking for a CB, talk to Fishy... he has great prices on paired Golden CBs.
I have 3 peppermint, 1 cleaner, and 1 coral banded (added in that order) in my 156. So far I haven't had any problems... I don't see any of them very often but I'm pretty sure they're all accounted for recently.