coral banded shrimps


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So I have a large coral banded shrimp in my 90 that I am still letting settle down I have noticed two aiptasia on a piece of live rock and was going to introduce a couple of peppermint shrimps to take care of it. I have read that the coral banded shrimp may eat them. Anyone else had this issue with this shrimp?


In a 90... the two should be ok together... But if the banded shrimp finds them, he will try to kill them. Normally, the shrimp will find his spot and stay there though.

If it was not such a big rock i would pull it and treat it outside the tank. But its probably a 10-15 pound piece.

You can treat with Kalk paste or aptasia-X... When you come to get the tanks, I can give you some.
Nukieuk;254125 wrote: Ok,

So I have a large coral banded shrimp in my 90 that I am still letting settle down I have noticed two aiptasia on a piece of live rock and was going to introduce a couple of peppermint shrimps to take care of it. I have read that the coral banded shrimp may eat them. Anyone else had this issue with this shrimp?


I added 2 peppermints after my coral banded in a 55gl and have had no problems. If the pepps get too close the CB displays his claws and the pepps scoot off at high speed!
^^Barbara, sounds like you're CBS had an expensive dinner on your behalf!
So supposing he was the last invert added to a 75 that already has 2 peppermint shrimp and a skunk cleaner, and lots of rockwork/caves, would he kill everything?
I totally agree with you Barbara,

That is my concern CBS seem to be very aggressive, the one in my 90 is huge. I believe he has been in the tank for the last two years, he roams a lot and the irony is he seems to have made his home the under the large rock that has the two blooms of atapasia I can see. I am seriously considering just taking that rock out treating it with the stuff Brandon recommended then putting it back. My only concern is that the **** stuff is so hard to target before it retreats back into the rock. I had a sneaky feeling the guy had tank issues when i saw the treatment for it.

On a side note I think I have identified the brown stuff in my tank, I believe its a ricordia :). I have also managed to identify most of the other inverts. The coolest one I think is the Crown Conch very interesting little guy.

I may end up moving the CBS to another tank as I would like to have some shrimps in the 90. I am pretty confident he ate the one peppermint in the 90 as I have not seen it since we moved the tank.
I had to move my second CBS (smaller) after he was missing a claw. but I've got peppermints and 3 cleaners in with the big guy in a 150. most shrimp are much faster than the CBS
Well I stand corrected my one peppermint shrimp in the 90 finally showed up today lol. So i need to crack the whip and get him cleaning up !
<span style="color: black">When I first got into the hobby I had a 10 gallon nano. I added a small CBS because I thought he was pretty... After about a year he was my show piece. He grew like a weed and became very large... That's when the trouble started... First I started noticing one of my Chromes had a fin that looked mangled and within 2 days he was gone... I don't mean dead I mean gone (I'm fairly sure the CBS ate him). Well still being dumb and a rookie, I added an awesome Fire Shrimp... WOW that was fun... While floating him the CBS tried to attack him in the bag... but I figured that the Fire Shrimp could handle himself and or hide until everything was ok... Well when I finally put him in the tank... the race was on... The CBS chased the FS all over the tank. When I came back to the tank 10 minutes later, the CBS had the FS in his grasp and was munching away on his the Fire Shrimps head... 30 minutes later the FS was completely gone and to add insult to injury the CBS molted within 2 days... I had to completely take my tank down to get him out... I will never again have a CBS in any of my tanks regardless of size.</span>