Coral Beauty Seems Sick


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My CB has not eaten since Monday. I came home from work yesterday and she was just hanging out at the bottom in one spot. I tried feeding and she didn't even seem interested. She has no discoloration or visable signs of any parasites including torn fins or anything. Normally she goes straight to the top and begs for food. She does move about the bottom a little but she is normally a free swimmer. My other fish are all fine. Water pars are all good. Ammonia 0, Nitrate (10) maintained a bit high but I keep it that way for the clam so this is not anything exceptional, Nitrite 0, Calcium 520, PH 8.2. Only new additions are 6 more Ast. snails, Red Carribean Conch, Tiger Conch and a Horseshoe crab. I am hoping this will pass but I know a fish is supposed to eat!
Does it graze on the rocks at all, or is it refusing to eat at all?

How long have you had the fish? What are the other inhabitants?

Tank size, how long setup, etc?

Temperature? I'm seeing a few people starting with heating issues - it's that time of year again.

I have had her for about 6 months.

She is refusing to eat at all. I may have seen her peck once or twice yesterday at algae but I cannot be certain. I put some mysis in this morning but she didn't take.

Other inhabitants include a Lyretail Anthias, a pair of Maroon Clowns and a Yellow Watchman. I have a cleaner shrimp, couple pom poms and many corals. All of these doing well. There is no agression in the tank.

I had AC problems for a couple days. Our central AC was down until yesterday evening. we had purchased some window units to maintain the temp until it was repaired. It may have creeped up a little more than usual but not substantially. Would this contribute even just a couple degrees? I normally maintain at about 79-80 F.
Hmm.. no a couple of degrees likely wouldn't make a huge difference.

I don't see any obvious conflicts.

Everything else behaving normally?

I'm stumped so far...

You and me both. She still seems strong as in not falling sideways or anything. If you think of anything, I'm all eyes, ears...etc. Thanks Jenn.
Well, in the absence of any other symptoms... I don't know. I'd watch and wait I suppose - there's not much one can do if one doesn't know the origin of the problem.

It could be something that will pass - if the fish is able to swim properly, that might rule out some sort of bacterial infection (buoyancy issues often indicate a swim bladder infection)... but there could be something brewing there that hasn't put out an obvious symptom yet.

I'd watch and wait...and carefully observe for any other changes.

I think i've got it narrowed down to some type of bacterial infection. I have been treating the water with Metro about every 6-8 hours. She is pecking at misc. bits around the backside of the tank and her poo is white...not stringy though. She seems to still have her strength. Hopefully this will work.