Coral Beauty vs Clown


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Has anyone had problems with a coral beauty beating up on their clown? I have had these two fish together for years. Several days ago the female clown was out of the nem and swimming around the top which was odd. Then I saw the coral beauty coming up and nipping at and chasing her around. Is it possible that it's happening because she's so big now? They're pretty much the same size. The beauty doesn't nip at or chase the male clown pair.

I'm worried because she doesn't seem to be eating much. She has jumped into the overflow a couple of times. In there she at least gets relief from the chasing but.......can't be a long term thing. She doesn't show external signs of stress or disease. Other than swimming at the top she looks normal. Anyone have any thoughts?
How long have you had the fish? The clown may be past her prime and the angle knows it??
Well, she's back in the overflow again. Is it okay to leave her in there for a while to see if the coral beauty will settle down? She just swims around in there :fish: but I'm worried about her getting food and such.