coral beauty


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Sorry to bring up a well discussed topic, but looking for personal experience.

I have always gone with the consensus that coral beauties are hit and miss with corals and not worth the risk. I recently had a discussion with a knowledgeable staff member at one our very reputable LFS.

His opinion is that they are almost never a reef problem and the threat is overblown.

Any input??
I've had two over the past 6 years and neither was an issue. They graze like all angelfish but I've never seen them actually nip at corals.
I have had two in the past with no issues, and now have a pygmy angel that is well behaved.
I do believe feeding well contributes to this.
tomaquar;1070196 wrote: What do u guys feed to keep the well behaved ?

Everything! They get flake, frozen mysis, frozen brine shrimp, frozen spirulina, frozen bloodworms Nori strips (yep, he eats that just like a tang would), pellets. It makes no difference.
Good luck.
Mine was a swim by nipper on alot of my corals.
Drove me crazy.
Didn't actually eat anything, but nipped on them so they would stay closed.
Mine eats pretty much anything except the corals :)

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mine was fine, my flame is very well behaved as well. I feed mysis and pellets and algae.