Coral Dipping?


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<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">I’ve had my take going now for about three years and within the next week or so I’m going to make my first real coral purchases. On this board I’ve heard of some mentioning that they dip their corals prior to placing them into their tanks. The questions I have is:</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">What solution are you dipping the corals in?</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">Is dipping the preferred method for all corals to rid them of pests?</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">Thanks</span></span>
Seachem reef dip.

Yes, dipping is the preferred method for pest removal/isolation. Obviously you should visually inspect it and remove any algae or aiptasia you see. Also, look in the coral tanks. If you see a lot of aiptasia or algae (bubble algae especially), you need to consider that you will likely be bringing those issues into your tank. And dipping doesn't fix algae or pest anemones.
Ive used a bunch of different things when dipping corals. the reef dip is a good "all around" dip. I prefer the Julian Sprung's Revive a little better and i have also used potassium permanganate as a dip.
Bayer Advanced complete incsect killer (12 bucks for 40 oz size at Home Depot).
mysterybox;864582 wrote: Bayer Advanced complete incsect killer (12 bucks for 40 oz size at Home Depot).

This stuff rocks.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Yep. Bayer Advanced for SPS. The stuff rocks.
I have dipped sps with bayer for a while. In VERY strong solutions with zero losses.
About to start dipping some goodies. What is a good solution ratio for Bayer advanced?
Bayer Advanced Insecticide

5 ml per cup
3-5 minutes

Up to 20 ml 15 minutes

(Up to 10ml per cup, but I would only do 5ml per cup)

Edit: Bayer Advanced Insecticide

5 ml per cup
3-5 minutes

Up to 20 ml 15 minutes

(Up to 10ml per cup, but I would only do 5ml per cup)
I do very strong. 15-20+ per cup. I have never lost a coral after using bayer. Used on 75+ sps with zero problems. Lps and zoas the same dose.
mysterybox;867771 wrote: Bayer Advanced Insecticide

5 ml per cup
3-5 minutes

Up to 20 ml 15 minutes

(Up to 10ml per cup, but I would only do 5ml per cup)

Edit: Bayer Advanced Insecticide

5 ml per cup
3-5 minutes

Up to 20 ml 15 minutes

(Up to 10ml per cup, but I would only do 5ml per cup)

thats incredible...where did you find this out? It doesnt have to be diluted with water at all? I would love to read more on it.
Raz0945;867815 wrote: Have you every dipped an ORA Hawkins(they are very delicate)?:D

Yes. Twice along with jacquelina spell check.

cment;867844 wrote: thats incredible...where did you find this out? It doesnt have to be diluted with water at all? I would love to read more on it.

Yes. You need to dilute the ml amount with a cup of salt water.
FF337;867845 wrote: Yes. Twice along with jacquelina spell check.


Yes. You need to dilute the ml amount with a cup of salt water.

So 1 cup (8oz) of saltwater per ml of bayer?
Using mysterybox formula it is 5-20ml per cup of saltwater


This is the stuff that was recommended to me and I have been using for a long time.
FF337;867848 wrote: Using mysterybox formula it is 5-20ml per cup of saltwater


This is the stuff that was recommended to me and I have been using for a long time.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's 5-20 ml per cup of tank water as recommended from many RC users, but I prefer 5ml.