Coral/Fish Food Success


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After the last few weeks of trying a variety (about 18) different foods for the tank, I found a mix that causes everything in my tank to respond and is easy to mix up. I won't know how this works long term for a while, but short term it is pretty impressive compared to the other foods. I have a 120 gallon with lots of Acros and Montis along with a handful of fish (Tang, Percs, Hawk, Gramma) and some zoos. Anyway to the recipe:

I use 5ml of Selcon, three scoops of Reef Chili and three scoops of Blue Lagoon Medicated Gel food. The scoops are very tiny and come with the Reef Chili jar. I squirt into directly into the flow and watch everything go nuts. The only results close to this I have seen is Cyclop with live brine.

Variety is the spice of life so this will be only part of my feeding routine. BTW, you can find all these available at
I heard from several sources garlic in the food helps with the immune system. No one that I know of has done any real testing on this, but many experts believe it does have some benifit. As for Astaxanthin, it is just an antioxidant which in theory keeps your fish alive longer.
Cool thanks for the info. I'll give it a try on my next batch. To bad I just made several months worth 2 weeks ago :)