Coral Help Please


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Coral Help Please

I have a 45 gallon running a canister filter. About 30 lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live sand. Current stock list is a Kole Tang, a 6 Line Wrasse, a Pair of Ocellaris Clowns, 2 Blue/Green Chromis and a Fire Shrimp. When I first started adding frags, they seemed to do OK but not stellar. A couple months ago I started watching mag levels and dosing now and again. Since that time all have really taken off except for a Button Polyp (think that is what it is). It was doing well at first (before dosing mag) but just doesn’t open up as much now. Any help would be appreciated.

The first pic is the before and the second pic was taken last night. I am including a few of some of the other corals so you can see they are doing well.
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Have you tried relocating the colony that's not opening? Perhaps something nearby is irritating it.
Unfortunately I epoxied it in place back when it was doing well. :-( The only thing near it is the Monti which is above it. I had the Frogspawn (the gorgeous one I got from you at a Fantastic Price!!!) on the sand below and to the right. A week ago I moved it away thinking that may be the problem but no change so far. Would it have anything to do with the fact I don't feed any of my corals?
Well at some point you should feed them IMO, but that's probably not what's irritating them. If you can't move that colony try moving its neighbour(s) that are upstream from it perhaps?

Do they ever open, or are they staying closed all the time? It's not unusual for them to close up temporarily if a hermit walks across them or something. If they're staying closed all the time, something isn't right for them.

They stay pretty much the same as that picture shows at all times. As of right now, the only thing really close is the monti. Hummmmm. Not sure what is going on with it.
Well they aren't closed... they just seem to be crowding each other is all.
Guess I will just give them time. Maybe they are like me and slow to develop. :)