Coral hitch hiker id


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Looking on a piece of chalice i got the other day that was attached to a small piece of lr under my actinic lighting and noticed this tiny coral purple in body with green eyes. Just wondering what it is and how to care for it. its almost center of the pic. pic had to be taken with 10k's on so it would show on my phone.

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It does kinda resemble cyphastrea japonica. With the purple body and green heads. I'll try to see if I can get a better pic with my actual camera. I do always love to little mystery corals. Kinda like christmas or a birthday, not expecting something than bam suprise :)
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notice the tiny green heads on the purple body slightly to upper right of center of pic also the other frag looking piece in center is actuall alive too i noticed ice blue body with green eyes

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this one here actually came on some zoas and polyps i got today in the center of pic its green bodied with red eyes. also notice on the very top of the pic, slightly to the right purple with green eyes. anyone know what these are so i can care for em too?